Placing AdSense Ads in the WordPress Sidebar

One of the greatest features of AmpedSense that not many split testers allow you to do is inject your AdSense ads into the sidebar of your wordpress site. It’s really easy to do! 2 Steps 1) After downloading and installing AmpedSense, login to your WordPress site. From the Appearance-> Widgets screen, find the “AmpedSense Sidebar A” widget in the list of […]

How To Install AmpedSense

Follow these instructions to install AmpedSense into your WordPress site: 1. Download the latest copy of AmpedSense. 2. Then choose either of the two installation methods: a. Using the Upload Manager in your WordPress Admin: i. After logging into your wordpress admin, click Plugins -> Add New. ii. Find the link at the top to ‘Upload’, then […]

Creating an AdSense Split Test in WordPress

After you’ve installed AmpedSense, you’re ready to start AB testing! Get excited – you’re going to increase your AdSense revenue and know you’ve got the best possible AdSense setup! 1. Determine Your Test Plan Think about your testing strategy. Do you want to test the size of your ads? Which sizes? Or do you first want to […]