Follow these instructions to install AmpedSense into your WordPress site:
1. Download the latest copy of AmpedSense.
2. Then choose either of the two installation methods:
a. Using the Upload Manager in your WordPress Admin:
i. After logging into your wordpress admin, click Plugins -> Add New.
ii. Find the link at the top to ‘Upload’, then click ‘Choose file’ and locate the .zip file that was provided to you.
iii. Click the ‘Install Now’ button, and the plugin will automatically be installed!
iv. From the installed plugins screen, choose to ‘Activate’ AmpedSense
b. Uploading via FTP:
i. Login to your site with an FTP client
ii. Within your WordPress installation, browse to the ‘/wp-content/plugins’ directory.
iii. Unzip the contents of the .zip file provided, and transfer the ‘amped-sense’ folder.
iv. Login your wordpress admin. From the installed plugins screen, choose to ‘Activate’ AmpedSense.
3. Once the plugin has been uploaded and activated, you’re ready to create your first split test
Minimum Requirements
An installation of WordPress 3.5 or greater
Video Tutorial
Watch this video for a demonstration of the steps above: